I found the most amazing blog with the cutest couple EVER yesterday: Crowley Party.
If you have never visited their little corner of the blogosphere, please click the photo below for their main blog or the link in my sidebar (to see their link up page) and give them a visit. Read their 'about us and the blog' post. They are the sweetest people ever. Their motto "Life should be a PARTY" is so fun, and inspiring, because it SHOULD be a party!
Maybe not all the time, but if you never take the time to enjoy what you have, live what is right in front of you and just BE in your moments, WHAT IS THE POINT?
So, after everything was organized,
I went to meetings,
I talked to a counselor about quitting smoking,
I joined a gym,
I called the registrar at college to see what needs to happen for me to get my degree, finally,
I set up doctors appointments for the kids,
I filled out registration forms,
I went to job interviews,
I applied for more jobs,
I did laundry, dishes, vacuuming and other housework.
Then I STOPPED, doing all those things.
I made a fun project with the kids (Guest Post and Tutorial HERE)
I colored with chalk on the driveway
I made plans for a BBQ with some good friends
I went to see the last Harry Potter with my 12 Year Old
I let every moment with my family sink in, and ENJOYED THE PARTY.
What are you doing to enjoy the last vestiges of summer? Did you get all the organizing done you wanted to?
Remember to stop by all day Friday for the Four Heart Friday Link Party!
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1 comment:
Love the chalk in the driveway!
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