Monday, December 26, 2011

It 's been a very long week. The kind of week that makes me wonder WHY? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we force ourselves to create this silly holiday? Why can't we just buy people things whenever we feel like it? Why save all our money up and spend it all at once? We have plenty of other things we could be buying with all that money, like groceries, clothing, new snow tires... whatever. I'm so glad it's over.

I do love to see my family and friends and have a whole day where I know my kids are going to be totally happy. 

Lili got a wooden tool set to play with grampa Joe and real safety glasses! She was super excited.
Autumn got a Nook with a pretty pink cover and she was super excited.
I got some pretty fuzzy new slippers and I was super excited.
The hubbs got a fun Cuponk game and he was super excited (he was actually more excited about the new PJ pants, weirdo).

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of wonder and laughs and general good will.

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